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Adapting technologies,
building relationships

About Consultronix

Consultronix is a Capital Group comprising of: Consultronix Ltd., CX Medical Projects Ltd., CX Engineering Ltd. and CX Med Ltd.

For over 37 years, we have been ensuring the transfer of the latest medical technologies to Poland. At the same time, our Research and Development Centre works on many innovative solutions for manufacturers of diagnostic equipment, transferring Polish technological thought across the world – mainly to the USA.

Our mission

Adapting technologies

We continuously monitor global market for the latest technological solutions. We ensure rapid certification of new products and prompt market introduction.


Benefiting from our extensive experience, we work solely with the best manufacturers. Long-term relationships and trust have been established with many of them, some dating back almost 20 years.

and training

With 10+ years of experience, we specialize in medical education and training by organizing e.g. webinars, wetlabs or workshops.


To support artists, we collaborate with Krakow's cultural institutions and organize the CX ART - Creating Young Art Gallery competition.